Sogaer SPA

The company has always focused on developing the airport management to the highest international standards in terms of quality and safety.

The Mission

SOGAER aims to create a modern and efficient airport system with the highest safety and quality standards while combining the needs of the territory in order to contribute to its social and economic growth. Its mission is:

  • To manage efficiently the airport structure offering high quality services to passengers and carriers while seeking continuous improvement
  • To plan the development of airport services and infrastructures capable of offering the highest operating standards in terms of safety and comfort
  • To develop passenger traffic and new point to point routes by means of promotional activities aimed at carriers, combined with initiatives directed towards deseasonalisation
  • To integrate and promote projects which offer social and economic benefits to the region in terms of cultural and entrepreneurial progress

Company history

Founded in 1990, SOGAER obtained in January 2005 the ‘Airport Certification’ by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Board) and in April 2007 the 40-year management concession of Cagliari Airport.

The key steps which have defined the evolution of SOGAER Group are as follows:

  • 1992 Start-up of operations
  • 1996 20-year provisional authorisation of the Land Side management
  • 1997 Foundation of Sogaerdyn S.p.A. supplier of airport handling services
  • 1999 Foundation of Sogaer Security S.p.A. supplier of airport security controls
  • 2000 20-year provisional agreement, as an anticipated concession, of the Air Side
  • 2001 Start up of the restructuring and expansion works of the old terminal
  • 2003 Official Opening of the new terminal
  • 2005 Issue of the ‘Airport Certification’
  • 2007 40-year concession for the total management of Cagliari Airport
  • 2008 Change of the airport status from ‘military’ to ‘civil’
  • 2009 Reopening of the main runway following refurbishment works
  • 2011 Opening of the General Aviation Terminal
  • 2014 Approval of the Contract Programme 2012-2015
  • 2015 OHSAS 18001 certification
  • 2016 Implementation of Level 1 - Mapping of the ‘Airport Carbon Accreditation’ scheme aimed at reducing CO2 emissions
    • ISO 9001:2015 certification for communications related to aeronautical data
  • 2018 ISO 9001:2015 certification for design, supervision on construction works, verification and validation of design
  • 2021 Implementation of Level 2 - Reduction of the ‘Airport Carbon Accreditation’ scheme aimed at reducing CO2 emissions


SOGAER Spa was founded in 1990 by the Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari which is still the majority shareholder in the company.


C.C.I.A.A. di Cagliari-Oristano Cagliari 94,449
Società Finanziaria Regione Sardegna S.p.A. Cagliari 3,430
Banco di Sardegna S.p.A. Cagliari 1,052
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna Cagliari 0,720
F2i Ligantia S.p.A. Milano 0,209
Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia Sud Sardegna Cagliari 0,056
Confindustria Sardegna Meridionale Cagliari 0,042
CONFAPI Sardegna Elmas 0,025
RIGHT HOUSE CAGLIARI S.r.l. con unico socio Cagliari 0,010
Fima Roma 0,008


Company name: So.G.Aer. S.p.A. 
Date of constitution: 1st August 1990
Head office: c/o Aeroporto Mario Mameli Via dei Trasvolatori snc - 09067 Elmas (CA) ITALY
Share capital: € 13,000,000.00 issued and fully paid-up
ph.: +39 070 211211
fax +39 070 241013

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All rights reserved. 
© SOGAER SpA P.I. 01960070926