To and from the airport

The airport is only 7 km away from Cagliari city centre, the main city of Sardinia. Short distances and efficient transport links make Cagliari airport easily and quickly accessible from all parts of the Island.

By car

  • from Cagliari and hinterland: Cagliari airport is located 7 km away from downtown; take the S.S.130 from the city centre or the S.S. 554 from other parts of the city and from its hinterland. You can reach the S.S. 554 also merging from the Asse Mediano di Scorrimento (A.M.S.)
  • from Sassari/Nuoro/Oristano: you can reach Cagliari Airport by merging in the S.S.131 southbound towards Cagliari. Follow the ‘Aeroporto Elmas’ signs once you are on the S.S.130
  • from Olbia: follow the S.S.131bis southbound towards Cagliari until you merge in the S.S.131. Keep driving south towards Cagliari and then merge in the S.S.130 paying attention to ‘Aeroporto Elmas’ signs. Another option is driving on the S.S.125 southbound towards Cagliari. Near Quartucciu turn on the S.S.554 linking to the S.S.130, then follow the ‘Aeroporto Elmas’ signs
  • from the South-Western Coastal road: drive on the S.S.195 towards Cagliari, then turn onto the S.S.130 and follow the ‘Aeroporto Elmas’ signs
  • from the South-Eastern Coastal road: take the S.P. 17 that connects Villasimius to Cagliari; a few kilometres from the city centre turn on the S.S.554 and then onto the S.S.130 following the ‘Aeroporto Elmas’ signs. 


From June 9th 2013 the airport is easily accessible by train from Cagliari and all major Sardinian cities thanks to the new ‘Elmas Aeroporto’ railway station. The rail service starts at about 5AM and ends after 9PM with 20 mins. average frequency. The journey to and from downtown takes 5-7 mins, single fare is 1.30 euro. Tickets are sold by Trenitalia at the vending machines (located both in the Arrivals area of the airterminal and inside the train station), online and by official ticket counters and authorized dealers.

The airport train station is just a 5 minutes’ walk from the air terminal: travel by train from and to any major Sardinian location is now possible and environment-friendly. For information on timetables, fares and further details, please contact Trenitalia at the Italian toll number 89 20 21 or visit Trenitalia website.


The easiest and fastest way to get to the airport from the city and from the hinterland (and vice versa) is by taxi. A daytime ride to the city center has a minimum fare of € 17. Taxi service in Cagliari is provided by the following companies:

Cooperativa Radio Taxi “Quattro Mori
Via Is Maglias, 5 Cagliari
Tel. +39  070 400101 (h24)

Cooperativa Radio Taxi “Rossoblù
Via Duomo, 19 Cagliari
Tel. +39 070 6655 (h24)

Radio Taxi “Cagliari 0707055
Tel. +39 070 7055 (h24)
Italian toll free number 800 50 46 46
Text messages for the earing impaired +39 334 67 47 924

Taxi service in Quartu Sant’ Elena is provided by:

Consorzio Imprese Artigiane “Taxiamico
via della Musica, 138 Quartu S.E.
Tel. +39 070 826060 (h24)

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