Sustainable and long-lasting sanification with Fotonit®
Cagliari Airport has chosen the sustainable chemical-free product Fotonit® by Nanoksi to ensure cleanliness on airport touch surfaces.
In the airport environment cleanliness is one of the most vital areas of customer satisfaction. Cagliari Airport has taken a step forward to provide a clean, virus and bacteria-free environment in a truly sustainable way. All high-touch surface areas have now been treated with chemical-free antimicrobial coating Fotonit®, which continuously eradicates bacteria and viruses for as long as one year.
Fotonit® is the unique, patented, and award-winning flagship product of the Finnish company Nanoksi, now patnering with Cagliari Airport in order to achieve maximum safety and hygene for passengers and operators without compromising Sardinia’s beautiful nature.
For more detail, please scan the QR code displayed on Fotonit® stickers inside and otside the terminal and read the full press realease hereby attached (IT ONLY).